
ivey league academy: week in review

Here's what we did the week of 12/11-12/15!

This was a lighter week; we took a break from English and Bible, and only did one journal entry.  We also made Thursday our last day of school before Christmas break.

Reading:  Caleb continued to read out of our Kittens and Children reader.

English:  {break}

Spelling:  We continued in his Spelling You See curriculum.

Word of the Week:  Our word for this week was "lingo."

Math:  We continued in his Horizons Math workbook.

Bible: {break}

Zoology:  We spent one more week in the ocean habitat, learning about the blue whale and giant squid.  Caleb finished up the animal fact sheets, the ocean habitat map, the habitat sticker sheet, and his food chart.  For our demonstration, I made a "blubber glove" out of two ziploc bags (place a couple of scoops of shortening in one bag, then put your hand inside the second bag and push it into the first bag so it creates a lining of "blubber").  I used snow from our backyard to simulate the cold temperatures we'd been learning about.

We have one more summarizing chapter to go and then we'll be finished with the zoology curriculum!  For the second half of second grade, we'll continue with the Sassafras twins and learn about anatomy next.

Countries:  Our country for this week was Sweden.  We didn't get to read all of the books I checked out, but we did read The Tomten on my tablet and did a craft based on it.  We also made Swedish meatballs with gravy as well as kokosballs, which are very yummy no-bake chocolate-coconut balls.

Tomten Craft (What Do We Do All Day)
Swedish Meatballs Recipe (The Recipe Critic)
Kokosballs Recipe (The Petite Cook)

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