
ivey league academy: week in review!

Here's what we did the week of 12/4-12/8!

We ended up taking a sick day on Monday; Caleb especially was very congested and was coughing a lot, and I was still getting over a sinus headache.

Reading:  Because our printer was out of ink and we didn't get a cartridge until later in the week, Caleb only had to do one Word Ladder! (I copy them out of the book in case I want to use the book again.)  He also only read out loud on Friday; before that, he would cough a lot if he had to use his voice.

English:  Caleb had his Chapter 7 review and test this week, and we also did a cumulative review.  We're almost halfway through his curriculum (there are sixteen chapters total), so I think we'll hold off on starting Chapter 8 until after New Year's.

Spelling:  We continued in his Spelling You See curriculum.

Word of the Week/Journal:  Our word of the week was "clench."  Caleb wrote about clenching his play-doh!

Math:  We continued in his Horizons math workbook.  He had a test in this subject as well, and did great!

Bible:  We only got to Bible one day this week.  We started a new lesson in which we'll answer the question, "Does God really supply all my needs?"

Zoology:  We started our study of the ocean habitat this week.  We learned about king penguins and codfish.  The scientific demonstration in the teacher's manual seemed a little confusing to me, so I looked up another experiment on Pinterest.  Caleb mixed a little bit of coffee grounds in water (it was supposed to be dirt but I didn't want to go dig any up!), then slowly poured it through a coffee filter wrapped around a plastic cup.  He saw that the filter (representing the fish's gills) allowed the water to pass through but "caught" the grounds.  Similarly, the fish is able to breathe underwater because its gills "catch" the oxygen out of the water and allow the water to then pass through again.

Countries:  We learned about The Netherlands this week!  For our craft, Caleb made a windmill out of a toilet paper tube.  For our recipe, we tried hagelslag, or "hailstorm" in Dutch.  Apparently this is a popular breakfast in The Netherlands.  They probably have better chocolate sprinkles over there, but it was still an interesting food to try.  Caleb thought it was too sweet to be a breakfast food, but I pointed out he likes doughnuts and Cinnamon Toast Crunch and those have a lot of sugar too!

Extras:  On Wednesday night, our church's small group got together for Christmas and played Hedbanz (it was the grown-up version but Caleb still participated).  Caleb loved it, and I pointed out to him that we had the kid version at home but hadn't played it yet.  So the very next day we got it out once we were done with school.  Micah still gets confused with it so he usually prefers to watch, but Caleb thinks it's awesome!

On Friday morning, it started to snow.  We were expecting just an inch or two at first; the snow was very wet and slushy but Caleb still went out in it.  It started snowing more and more later that evening and by Saturday most areas around us got six to eight inches at least!  Many people lost power but thankfully ours only cut in and out a couple of times on Saturday morning.

These snow pictures are from Friday afternoon, before the "real snow" happened!  :)

How Do Fish Breathe? Demonstration (Preschool Powol Packets)
Windmill Craft (DLTK's Growing Together)
Hagelslag Recipe (Serious Eats)

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