
nursing cover

One of my friends was nice enough to suggest a use for that brown embroidered fabric I found while going through all my supplies a few weeks back.  She has a four-month-old, and the nursing cover she's been using has some...ahem....coverage issues at times.  Face it...babies grow up, and they get really active and like to pull things.  Your hair, your necklace....and perhaps a nursing cover.  :o)  So she asked if maybe I could make one for her using this fabric.  I found this free tutorial and decided to give it a go!

I liked this tutorial because it was easy, came with LOTS of pictures (great for a visual learner like myself), and allowed for some little touches, like a band of coordinating fabric along the bottom:

I also used boning and D-rings for the first time...easy peasy.  The boning went in the neckline to give Mommy a peephole to see Baby, without giving everyone else a peep show.  It might also give Baby easier access to Mommy's hair or necklace, in case Baby is one of those babies who simply CANNOT nurse if they don't have stuff like that to twirl or play with.  The D-rings and straps allow for easy adjustment for the amount of coverage needed.

And as you can see, there's plenty of fabric on both sides, so hopefully this cover will counteract any wiggling or yanking my friend's baby decides to do.  One can only hope.

Hope she likes it!  :o)


  1. Well, I like it! I just might have to make one for my baby! Thanks for the information. :)

  2. you should, april! it was an easy project. :o)
