
yucky empty wall

Remember that picture collage I just put up in the hallway?

It inspired me to move around some pictures in our bedroom.  Back when we moved into our house a couple of years ago, our bedroom was pretty much the first room I tried decorating, but since then it's really fallen by the wayside.  This one wall by my husband's dresser has been empty since the day we moved in.  Stuff like this doesn't bother my husband but it usually bothers me.  Tons.

So a couple of days ago, I grabbed a very special collection of photos that used to be in our hallway before the new picture collage took over, and hung it on this empty wall.  It looked nice but definitely needed something to anchor it a little better. So on a whim, I took down a couple of pictures from a different wall in our bedroom and hung them up on either side. 

My mom is responsible for all of those photos in the center frame; she put it together right after my husband and I got engaged and it was on display at our wedding reception.  I made the other two back when I was pregnant and in the middle of a huge scrapbook/nesting kick; I had extra pictures leftover from scrapbooking, an endless supply of pretty scrapbook paper, and a couple of $4 frames from Ross.  Pregnancy is SUCH a creative time, don't you think?  :o)

I figure since it's our bedroom we can totally get away with having a "Randall and Anne" exhibit on display.  Anywhere else, it would look kind of conceited, right?  And it totally took care of that blank wall that's been staring at me for two years.

Except now I have a new (although much smaller) blank wall by my dresser, complete with nail holes from the two frames I just relocated.  Oops.

But it just goes to show you that often all it takes to spruce up a room (or even just one small area of a room) is to just move some stuff around.  Grab a picture, a throw pillow, or a candleholder from one room, and switch it with something in a different room.  Basically it's a new look for free.  I figured this out when our son went mobile and started pulling up, since I had to move breakable things to higher places and different rooms.  And that kid had an impressive reach so I really had to think outside the box sometimes.  Sneaky monkey.

Though I would suggest having a back-up plan in case you create a new yucky empty wall with all your ambitious relocating.  And I think I might have one.  More on that later...  :o)

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