
ivey league academy: weeks in review!

It's been a looooong time since I updated this blog so let's just look at the highlights from the past month!

Anatomy:  We covered the urinary system one week.  We made a "kidney" using a mixture of corn syrup and water, plus mini marshmallows and sprinkles to represent the items that are filtered out by the kidney.  We also did a scientific demonstration with a balloon and water to show that the bladder can expand as it fills with liquid, but then returns to its original size once emptied

We also learned about genetics and DNA.  This was a more complicated subject so we kept it simple.  Caleb learned about the double helix and how DNA are the building blocks of life.  We also discussed different traits he and his brother had inherited from his parents (i.e., the ability to roll his tongue, detached earlobes, slight widow's peak, etc.).

And we also learned about the immune system.  Caleb learned about the different types of white blood cells and how they protect the body by attacking viruses and bacteria.  For our experiment, I mixed up unflavored gelatin with water and sugar, then carefully poured a tiny amount into disposable cups with lids (we didn't have petri dishes!).  Using Q-tips, Caleb carefully swabbed several different household objects and then rubbed each one on the gelatin (obviously using a clean Q-tip for every sample).  I labeled the lids and placed them in a dark kitchen cabinet so we'll see what we get!

Countries:  We studied Japan and attempted origami dogs!

We also studied Egypt.  For our activity, we just watched "Prince of Egypt." :)

And we studied Morocco.  We did a fun "henna hands" craft using a simple hand outline printable and also tried Moroccan mint tea; Caleb doesn't really like warm tea (we found that out when we studied England!), so I made a cold brew batch in the fridge using a big sprig of mint plus 5 green tea bags.  I didn't add sweetener so Caleb didn't really like it but I think it tastes great with the mint!

Read-Alouds:  We read the sixth and final book in the Frank Einstein series!  Caleb loves them and has gone back to check the earlier ones out with his own library card.  After that, we read Centerburg Tales, the sequel to Homer Price.  Right now we're about two-thirds of the way through The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser.  I kept seeing it pop up on Instagram (I follow a lot of homeschoolers on there!) and it really is an entertaining read.

For the rest of our subjects, we're plugging away.  We're almost done with the first half of our spelling curriculum (since we switched late in the fall), so I told Caleb we could do the second half when he starts third grade.  We'll still do Word Ladders as practice, and maybe even a little Explode the Code till then.  He's just made so much progress with spelling that I would hate to see it slide during the summer break!  He's doing great in English and math as well.

Germ Collection Project (Homeschool Den)
Origami Dog Instructions (DIY is Fun)

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