
ivey league academy: week in review!

We took almost a week off for Thanksgiving (used the Monday before for catch-up), so here's what we did before then....

Reading:  We continued with a Word Ladder a day and reading out of his Kittens and Children reader.

English:  We started Chapter 7, which so far has focused on listening skills, finding the main idea of a paragraph, and how to use a title page and table of contents.  We also worked on listening to directions.

Spelling:  We did the second week of his Spelling You See workbook, which focused on letters with the short "i" sound.  It's too early to tell if this curriculum will be a good fit but so far it hasn't frustrated him so that's good!

Word of the Week/Journal:  Our word of the week was "chatterbox."

Bible:  We finished Lesson 6 and started Lesson 7, which answers the question of why God created people.

Math:  We continued in his workbook.  This week he learned the multiplication rules for zero and one.  I printed out little anchor charts I found online and laminated them as a reminder.  We also watched a fun compilation of "Schoolhouse Rock" number videos I had found at Goodwill a couple of years back.  Many of the songs include tricks on how to multiply by different numbers so it might help Caleb as we go further.

Zoology:  We began our study of the arctic habitat, focusing on the musk ox and snow goose.  We still need to fill out the animal fact sheet for the goose though.  We read books from the library and watched a Wild Kratts episode about the arctic tundra and the animals that live there (including the musk ox!).  For our activity, we made a snowstorm in a jar; I poured baby oil into a jar until it was about two-thirds full, then put in watered-down white paint.  Caleb added some blue food coloring as well.  Once everything settled to the bottom of the jar, Caleb put in an Alka-seltzer tablet and we watched our very own "blizzard."  I also got out mini-marshmallows and toothpicks and let the boys try to construct igloos.

Countries:  We studied England.  Caleb was very excited about the prospect of having tea!  I put on my electric kettle and a couple of teacups and saucers, along with some sugar cubes and tea bags.  He tried both raspberry and lemon tea and didn't care for either...we decided that for now he's more of a hot chocolate person!  We also made apple cinnamon scones from a mix, and had a little tea party while watching "Mary Poppins."  For our activity, I put together a fun word search of British vocabulary words ("torch" instead of "flashlight," "flat" instead of "apartment," etc.).

Extras:  We learned about the woodwinds in the orchestra using our SQUILT curriculum.  We also watched a Spanish children's DVD from the library.  Our library system recently acquired PBS' Salsa series, kind of like Sesame Street but in Spanish.  It's repetitive but not in a bad way; the first few short episodes focused on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and covered numbers (uno, dos, tres), family members (mama, papa, bebe), and some adjectives (grande, pequeno).  Since they're free and easily accessible, we'll keep watching them and maybe by third grade start something more concrete for a foreign language.  And lastly, the boys got their Kiwi crates! Caleb's was space-themed and Micah's was bug-themed.  So far we've only had time to do one activity out of each.  I helped Caleb make a pom-pom ("meteorite") launcher, and Micah made a ladybug pouch for the provided insect memory game and "bug viewer" (it looks like a toadstool, and when you hold it up to your eye you seen everything like a fly would!).

Snowstorm in a Jar (Growing a Jeweled Rose)
Word Search Generator (Super Teacher Worksheets)

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