
ivey league academy: week in review!

Here's what we did last week!

Reading:  This week we continued starting with a Word Ladder every day.  For literature-based reading, we read Arthur's Tooth by Marc Brown.  For one of the activities, Caleb had to brainstorm about an invention he would want The Brain (the smartest kid in Arthur's class) to invent for him to solve a problem.

English:  We started off the week with another cumulative review, then began Chapter 6, where the main focus is poetry.  We learned about rhyming words and how to write a couplet.

Spelling:  We took a break from spelling this week.  The workbook approach was frustrating Caleb and he wasn't retaining what he had learned.  I ordered a more visual curriculum called Spelling You See so we will start that once it arrives.

Word of the Week/Journal:  The word of the week was "convince."

Math:  We continued in his math workbook.  He learned how to subtract with borrowing!

Bible:  We finished Lesson 5 this week.

Zoology:  This week, we switched back to the Australian eucalyptus forest and learning about owls and deer.  Caleb completed his animal fact sheets as well as his habitat sheet.  For our scientific demonstration, Caleb looked through two toilet paper tubes to get an idea of how owls see; their eyes aren't spherical shaped so they can't move them around like other animals can.  Instead, they have to move their head to look around (good thing they can turn it about 270 degrees!).

Countries:  This week we learned about Italy.  We read some library books and Caleb colored a paper towel tube that I had cut at a diagonal to represent the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  We ate spaghetti and meatballs for dinner one night as well!

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