
ivey league academy: week in review!

This past week was a little strange, since we took Monday off for Labor Day and then had our first co-op meeting on Friday.  We still got most of our work done though!

Reading:  We continued in Explode the Code 2 and our Six Ducks in a Pond reader.  We're pretty much done with ETC 2, and are about a week or two away from finishing Six Ducks.  Rather than jump into ETC 3 or go back to Hooked on Phonics, I decided we would move to the next reader in the series, King on a Swing, since I did some research and it's on a first grade reading level too.  I also ordered a simple Language Arts workbook for first grade so Caleb can start learning the fundamentals and grammar, such as correct capitalization, punctuation, and parts of speech.

Spelling:  We did Week 11 of his spelling curriculum.  Unfortunately we didn't get to his test!  After our co-op Friday morning I had a pretty intense headache so we took the rest of the day off (I had planned a very light afternoon anyway, so we didn't miss anything else important!).  Since I'm the one who added in the test element anyway, I decided to just move on to the Week 12 list next week and plan for the test to be Thursday instead.

Handwriting:  We didn't do anything formal for handwriting this week, but a new handwriting workbook came in the mail on Saturday so we'll start experimenting with that!

Vocabulary:  Our words for the week were "handy," "dine," and "present" (the verb).  We didn't get to the fourth word, which was "poky," on Friday because of my headache.  I've planned our future weeks accordingly.

Math:  We did 3 lessons in his Horizons workbook.

Bible:  We're almost done with our Growing With Jesus devotional!

Read-Aloud:  We finished Henry and the Paper Route and Caleb chose the first installment of the Encyclopedia Brown series to read next.

Science:  We started a unit on the human body, and this week's topic was muscles and bones.  We watched an episode of "The Magic School Bus" where the students learn about the function and purpose of bones, tendons, and muscles, and also read a couple of library books about them.  I read Caleb a paraphrased version of Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones, and painted lines on his hands and feet to represent his bones, which he then pressed onto black paper to look like an x-ray.  When I had a bad headache on Friday, Caleb opted to draw his own skeleton on a small piece of posterboard, using a couple of printouts I had put in his science notebook for reference.

U.S. Geography:  Our state this week was Georgia.  Caleb colored his state page and we read a few books about Georgia.  We still have a peach craft that we didn't get to on Friday, so we'll probably do it early next week before moving on to Florida!

Homeschool Group:  This first meeting was more of an orientation, "getting to know you" type thing.  The kids (preschoolers through first or second grade) filled in their faces in a drawing activity and also answered questions about their families, likes/dislikes, etc.  Caleb knows a couple of the kids from church so he didn't feel too uncomfortable.  We're small right now but hope to get more members as word spreads!


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