
ivey league kindergarten: weeks in review!

Here's what we did over the last couple of weeks...

We took MLK Day off since that's a typical school holiday, plus Daddy was home that day too!

Reading:  This week I printed out another "snakes & ladders" game board with some of the words we had learned during the previous week.  We played with this board a few times during the week since Caleb seems to learn well with games.

In our Hooked on Phonics workbook, we continued to work on -ng words.  I also found a few readers at the library that used similar words.

During the second week, we moved on in the workbook to -amp, -imp, and -ump words, as well as words ending in -nd.  Caleb earned a total of 3 stars on his reading chart for reading the accompanying stories and books!

Math:  We continued on in his math workbook, which introduced more skip-counting as well as subtracting without a number line.

Handwriting Without Tears:  During these two weeks, Caleb finished all of the lowercase letters.  The workbook also had more word and sentence copywork, and introduced the basics of punctuation.

The workbook ends with number practice.  Caleb already learned how to write his numbers via our math curriculum, but we decided to work on it some more since he still has some difficulty with 8's in particular (he still writes an 8 as two circles on top of each other, rather than the standard "start with an S" method).  My one complaint with HWT....we were not fans of how they taught a few of the numbers, mainly 2's and 6's.  Caleb actually did worse with the 2's when he tried to copy them using the HWT method, so I finally told him to ignore it and write 2 as he was used to doing.  I also helped him when we got to 6, which almost looked like a lowercase "b"....I gave him a different starting point in the box, told him to write as though he was writing a zero, and then loop it in the center. 

Caleb was frustrated when we got to 8, but I had him practice on his Doodle Pro first.  By his third or fourth 8 he did much better!  We purposely did handwriting before math that day, so he was able to move on to math and practice his 8's in his math workbook as he solved addition and subtraction problems.

Bible:  We continued doing our Growing With Jesus devotional most days.

Read-Aloud:  We finished Stuart Little.  I don't think either of us were big fans of this book.  There are some funny parts, but it's slow-moving at times and the end is uncertain.  Caleb wanted more closure!  We started A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh after that.  I had found that and The House at Pooh Corner at Goodwill awhile back; both boys liked the movie so Caleb was interested to see what the book was like.  Tigger isn't in this first one, but so far it's been enjoyable.

Caleb has around 30 math lessons left, and only a few pages left in his handwriting workbook.  We'll probably do extra handwriting practice until he officially starts first grade in a couple of months (though I have the first grade HWT workbook as well), only because there are times when he forgets how to form a letter correctly and I want to make sure he has it down before we get into spelling and other curriculum later on.


  1. We couldn't stand the lack of closure in Stuart Little. I read the last page and the children were like, "That's it?????"

  2. I agree, we were the same!! Not big fans here.
