
ivey league kindergarten: week in review!

Here's what we did last week!

Caleb continues to do well with the first grade level of Hooked on Phonics.  We reviewed the ch- and th- sounds, and learned sh-, wh-, sm-, and sn-.  Caleb successfully read two stories, "Matt and Tom," and "Sam to the Ship."  We've been using the sticker chart to document the stories and books he reads along the way.

We also used the Word Play cards one day to build words and review what we've learned.

We also practiced reading sentences with both new and old words.

We continued in our read-aloud book How to Eat Fried Worms.  Caleb thinks it's funny, though I modify some of the characters' phrases as I read (like saying "My dad's going to be so mad at me!" instead of "My dad's going to kill me!", "Come on!" instead of "For cripe's sake," etc.). 

We continued to work on place value, measuring, and counting by 5's in math.  We're now less than 20 lessons away from finishing Workbook 1, so we're very close to meeting the halfway point in Horizons Math for Kindergarten!

We did a few activities for Bible lessons this week.  We're in Exodus, and Caleb is very familiar with this part of the Bible so it was fun finding new things for him to learn.  I found a fun hidden picture sheet depicting when the Pharaoh's daughter found baby Moses:

We also did a hidden code worksheet about Moses encountering God in the form of the burning bush:

Finally, we did a really cool "wheel of plagues" project.  You color the two parts, connect them with a page fastener, and then spin the top part to see each plague underneath.

We've taken a break from memorizing Scripture for now.  I feel like Caleb wasn't getting a lot out of it, and I want him to memorize verses that mean something to him.  I know he can do it, since he memorizes song lyrics and quotes from movies; maybe we need to have some kind of reinforcement system going, or else find a better way to help him remember. 

We checked out a few more library books about the body this week, particularly about how the eyes and ears work.  We didn't do any projects or activities pertaining to science this week; we just read the books!

Baby Moses Hidden Picture Activity (Lessons for Sunday School) 
Burning Bush Code Activity (BibleWise)
Wheel of Plagues Activity (Crafting the Word of God)

1 comment:

  1. For scripture memory, we like the system at simplycharlottemason.com. Once it's set up, it's super easy. You simply read the verses you are working on twice per day. When they are learned, they move back in the box to even/odd days next, then they get moved back to once per week, and finally once per month. When I can hear that most of the children are able to say a verse along with me, I move it back and start a new one. Anyway, there's an idea for you if you want something easy to use.
