
ivey league preschool: hooray for H!

We actually did our H week about three weeks ago, but I forgot to post anything about it until now.  Then we had family in town and after that it was a bit longer before we got back into the swing of things.

Our H week was further complicated by the fact that our printer was out of ink, so we decided to go more low-tech this time.

Of course, we did a magazine scavenger hunt and collage for the letter H:

Caleb also worked on tracing letters and numbers in some Winnie the Pooh pre-K workbooks I had found at Goodwill awhile back.

Next, we did some art projects based on a few "H books" we had found at the library.  First, we read a book called My Heart is Like a Zoo.  It's actually pretty cool; all the animals are illustrated using different sized hearts.  We decided to do a hippo made out hearts:

Or a hippo-like creature...kind of.  Oh well, we had fun doing it.

We also read The Happy Hedgehog Band and tried painting "quills" with a plastic fork!

Finally, we read A House for Hermit Crab.  Caleb liked seeing all the different sea creatures and plants that ended up on the hermit crab's shell.  I drew and cut out similar ones for Caleb to glue onto his own shell:

We also did a couple of "experiments" out of a water and bubbles science experiment workbook (another Goodwill score!  Our community has a lot of homeschoolers in it!).  The first two we did pretty much just dealt with the nature of water and the amount of water that's on the earth.  So for the first one, we constructed a water molecule using a plum, two blueberries, and a couple of toothpicks.

For the second one, we were supposed to fill up a clear container part of the way with sand, then pour water over it to illustrate that the earth is covered with more water than land.  The closest thing we had was potting soil, which turned out not to work so well.

Yuck.  I told Caleb the main thing to remember from this was that the Earth has more water on it than land, and he seemed to understand.  :o)

All in all it was a pretty good week.  It's nice to know I can still teach my child things even if I can't print things out!

Our H Books:
My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall
The Happy Hedgehog Band by Martin Waddell
A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle

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