
big brother, little brother

So after a little hiatus from sewing (or really any crafting of any kind!), I'm glad to say I'm back!  I finished up this cute "big brother/little brother" combo for a friend this past weekend.  She's expecting a baby boy in a couple of months, and she wanted matching shirts for him and her older son.  We first set up this order over a month ago, I'm ashamed to admit; it actually happened the same week we found out our babies didn't make it, but I wanted to take on this project anyway, thinking it would be a good distraction.  I was right, except I wasn't counting on all the fatigue I would have to deal with in the coming weeks.  Luckily this friend was very understanding.

The "big brother" shirt was inspired by one I had made for Caleb last fall right before our second miscarriage.  I had kept the homemade stencils, so I just used the same lettering again.

For the "little brother" shirt, I had to basically freehand tinier letters since it was a smaller area to work with.  The nice thing about baby and kid clothing is that your letters and designs don't have to come out perfectly to be cute.  :o)

I was afraid that I would get sad making these shirts, but I honestly enjoyed it.  I think the shirts reminded me of Caleb's big brother shirt and the fact that we got through that miscarriage last fall, so we'll get through this one too.  You never truly "get over" losing babies, no matter how early on it happens, but with God's help you can find ways to cope and to move on as a stronger person.  :o)

Linked up to Creations by Kara!

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