
january birthdays

This past week I had the great pleasure of making birthday shirts for two special little ladies.

Remember the owl birthday shirt I did last month?  I got to make another one, only this time for a soon-to-be two-year-old.  Since there's more usable space on a 24-month-sized shirt as opposed to a 12-month one, I got to make the letters and other elements a little bigger so they would really stand out.

The other girl is turning one, and her party will have an "over the rainbow" theme.  Her mom and I put our heads together and came up with this.  Not bad considering all of our communication was over Facebook!  It was fun using all the colors (especially since most of the colors were already in my fabric stash!).

I won't be able to see the shirts on the girls in person since both live out-of-state, but I'm hoping I'll get to see some pictures at some point!  :o)

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