
scrapbook scripture

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been working on a few surprises, so it's difficult to keep things secret if particular family members check up on my blog!  All will be revealed in due time (as in, when certain gifts are given....haha!).

This is a project I did for my mom's birthday.  Earlier this year, my parents moved into a new house and she asked me if I could make something for the master bedroom.  She liked the scripture hangings I had done for my son's room, but basically gave me free reign design-wise.

First, I decided to use this pretty frame I found at Goodwill for a little over three bucks.  Pardon the pun.

I really liked the natural wood of the frame; it's a rare occurrence when you find a picture frame at Goodwill that you don't want to immediately attack with spray paint!  Although the deer and tacky matte had to go.  :o)

Next I got out my bag of scrapbook paper "scraps."

Scrapbook paper usually comes in 12X12 sheets.  But about 99% of the time, I end up cutting mine down to fit whatever project I'm doing, and then I can't bring myself to throw any of the scraps away.  So I made a very tiny dent in this collection with this project!

Anyway, I played around with some design ideas, and finally settled on a simple tree with my parents' initials carved in it.  I added leaves to the top to add some color and dimension.

And put a simple yet meaningful Scripture at the bottom.

I also took a thin permanent marker and outlined almost everything with fake "stitches."  I like the look of applique and embroidery, so this was my way of incorporating that look without using fabric and thread!

I hope she likes it.  I know she'll like it because I'm her kid and I made it for her, but you know what I mean.  :o)

Linked up to Creations by Kara and A Little Tipsy!

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