
quilt top {almost} done!

Remember that quilt I mentioned pretty much a MONTH ago?  I finally buckled down this afternoon and started sewing the top.  I had mostly everything cut out a few weeks ago, then realized the green fabric I had picked out for the skinny panel looked horrible next to the main center panel.  I have just decided to accept the fact the designers behind Michael Miller's Dandy Damask fabric collection must have created this crazy shade of green themselves, if only just to mess with people like me.  And yes, the pattern is actually called "Dandy Damask."  Not so dandy if you can't find anything but brown to match it!

Anyway, today I decided just to do all the side panels in that solid brown.  And once I got everything sewn together, I realized it actually looked good.  Not as plain as I was expecting, yet not obnoxious either. The only other thing I need to do before the actual quilting process is to sew the brown panels to the center panel; I only hesitated to do it since the center panel ended up a few inches longer than everything else, and I wasn't sure how to proceed from there.  Luckily my parents are coming for a visit, and I'm sure my mom will help me with lining everything up....and quilting it....and binding it.  Or at least show me how so I can get it done once they leave.  :o)

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