
funk-busting jewelry

In a funk?  I sure am.  Seems all I've wanted to do lately is lay around and watch my kid play.  And with me, that much fatigue leads to depression.  Which leads to isolation.  Which means I haven't been very fun to be around, if I've even been around you at all.  Sorry about that, friends.

After confirming this week that a) I'm not pregnant, b) my body seems to be functioning normally, and c) this funk has caused me to gain back five or six pounds of the forty-eight that I worked so hard to lose, I decided to try to do something about it.

My friend April jump-started this resolution tonight when she convinced me to let her husband watch our kids so the two of us could go get pedicures together.  I have gotten one other pedi in my life, and that was the day before my wedding...four years ago.  And this time was just as much fun as the first.  Except when the guy was forced to charge me three extra bucks for removing the wicked callouses that I had acquired from all that walking I've done the last year and a half.  And I was fine with it, except the guy really didn't have to remark to his other nail buddy about my feet (and yes, even though he was speaking Chinese I know that's what he was talking about), just like he didn't have to show me the uh.....fruits of his labor, shall we say (let's just say I will never look at zesting a lemon the same way again...too eerily similar for me).

Now that I've sufficiently grossed you out, I'll actually show you Phase 2 of my funk-busting plan....which is to start being creative again.  Tonight, that meant jewelry making.  I started this a few years ago but hadn't done it in a while.  I don't know how to do anything fancy, just a single strand of beads is all.  My sister requested a couple of items for her birthday next week, but since I don't want her to see them if she checks my blog, I'll show you what I made for myself!

I love the black and turquoise together, and the wooden flower beads are favorites too.  Best of all, these beads were pretty large, so it took no time at all to string these bracelets together.  And Cathy, if you're reading this, I'm putting your stuff in the mail on Monday (sorry for the lateness!).

Maybe this weekend I'll start Phase 3....which is to start exercising again.  Those callouses aren't going to grow back by themselves...

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