
ivey league academy: weeks in review!

Here's what we did the week of 3/12-3/16!

Reading:  Caleb chose a book to either read to himself or out loud as he works toward his next Pizza Hut Book-It prize.

English:  We finished Chapter 11 and had a test.  Caleb did very well!  We also did a cumulative review before moving on to the next chapter.

Spelling:  Caleb continued with his daily Word Ladders and his Spelling You See curriculum.

Math:  Caleb continued with his Horizons 2 Math workbook.

Word of the Week/Journal:  We didn't get to our word of the week so we saved it for the following week!

Anatomy:  This week we learned about muscles and muscular contractions.  Caleb picked up things of various weights and watched how his arm muscles moved!

Countries:  This week we studied China.  I heated up some chicken egg rolls and Caleb loved them!  We also tried our chopstick skills with yarn noodles.

Read-Aloud:  We finished the fifth book in the Frank Einstein series.  There is a sixth one but I think it was very recently published so the public library has it listed as "on order."  I reserved it though so as soon as they have a copy we should be first in line to check it out!

Here's what we did the week of 3/19-3/23!

Reading:  Caleb kept reading toward his Book-It prize.  He's really been enjoying the Nate the Great detective series so I've been putting those on hold at the library a couple at a time.

English:  We started a new chapter this week, which focuses on how to write a brief fictional story.  We read a couple of sample stories and learned that every fictional story has a problem that needs to be solved.  Caleb planned out his own story, including the main character, the setting, the problem/solution, and the story map (beginning/middle/end).

Spelling:  We continued with Word Ladders and Spelling You See.

Word of the Week/Journal:  This week's word was "fiasco."

Math:  We continued in his math workbook.

Anatomy:  This week we learned about the digestive system!  We learned about the teeth, the esophagus, the stomach, and the intestines.  For the demonstration, we put some saltines in a Ziploc bag, closed it, and then crushed them up (like how the teeth chew and crush the food).  Then, I poured a little soda in there, closed it again, and we worked it around with our fingers (the acid in the soda broke down the crackers into a paste, like what happens to our food in the stomach).

Countries:  This week we studied Thailand.  We read some great books from the library, including The Umbrella Queen, in which a little girl learns how to paint umbrellas like all the women in her village in Thailand.  We didn't paint umbrellas, but the boys did paint on some posterboard!  For our snack, I got "pocky sticks" from Target.  They're basically very thin cookie sticks dipped in chocolate or other flavors.  The boys liked them!

Read-Aloud:  This week we started Homer Price by Robert McCloskey, the author of Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal.  Caleb enjoyed when we read Beverly Cleary books about Henry Huggins, so I figured he might also find the character of Homer Price entertaining.  We're both enjoying it!  I picked up the follow-up book, Centerburg Tales, from the library for when we're done with this one.


ivey league academy: weeks in review!

Here's what we did the week of 2/26-3/2!

Reading:  Caleb continued to read everyday for his Pizza Hut Book-It prize.  We fell a little behind on our schedule but I told him it was all right!

English:  We continued in our Language Arts curriculum and learned about helping words and linking verbs.

Spelling:  Caleb continued doing a Word Ladder a day as well as a daily lesson in our Spelling You See curriculum.  The words are getting more challenging but Caleb is doing very well!

Word of the Week/Journal:  Our word of the week was "miffed."

Math:  We continued in his Horizons Math 2 workbook.

Anatomy:  This week we studied the five senses.  Caleb already knew these, but it was fun to see how they all work together (for instance, how important your sense of smell is for tasting).

Countries:  This week we studied India.  Caleb colored a picture of the Taj Mahal and we ate store-bought naan (Indian flatbread) with a little butter and cinnamon-sugar.

Taj Mahal Printable (The Crafty Classroom)

Here's what we did the week of 3/5-3/9!

We had grandparents visiting this week but still managed to get a lot done.

Reading:  Caleb continued reading and by the end of the week, his chart was full and he earned his personal pan pizza!  He was so excited and proud of himself when we had pizza for dinner that Friday night.  We'll do this again for the month of March and then we'll probably have to wait for next year since the Book-It program only runs through April.

English:  We did a few lessons in his workbook, including contractions and double negatives.

Spelling:  We continued with daily Word Ladders and Spelling You See.

Word of the Week/Journal:  Our word of the week was "concoction."

Math:  Caleb had a test this week and did great!  The workbook has introduced a few things that surprised me for second grade (such as Roman numerals and "solve for n"), but I help him more with these since I know they'll probably appear again in later grades.

Anatomy:  This week the Sassafras twins moved on to Beijing and learned about the circulatory system.  We made "blood in a jar" using corn syrup for the plasma, cinnamon candy for the red blood cells, mini marshmallows for the white blood cells, and chocolate sprinkles for the platelets.  It was fun to put together!  We also added a heart to our life-size skeleton.

Countries:  We didn't get to study a country this week because of some abbreviated school days.

Read-Aloud:  We're still reading through the Frank Einstein series for fun, and then Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing as our devotional.

Blood in a Jar Activity (Mama of Many Blessings)