
ivey league academy: week in review

Here's what we did last week!

Reading:  We continued in Caleb's Explode the Code workbook and also continued to read through Six Ducks in a Pond.  We also went to the public library midway through the week to pick up some books!  They have their summer reading program going so we might look into doing that again.

Spelling:  We did Week 5 of our spelling curriculum; even with taking Memorial Day off we still managed to get all of the spelling activities done, as well as practice on the dry erase board.  Caleb only missed one word this week!

Handwriting:  Caleb continued with his daily journal copywork using Draw Write Now as a guide.

Vocabulary:  This week's words were "entrance," "chatter," "popular," and "scrub."

Math:  This week we learned how to do two-digit addition!  It's very basic so far (no "carrying the 1" yet) but it still took Caleb a couple of days to get it down.  We would normally have a test at the end of the week, but with taking Monday off we'll do the test this coming Monday instead.

Bible:  This week's lessons focused on showing respect to others and working steadily, as well as the fact that God knows everything and never sleeps.

Read-Aloud:  We continued reading Pinky Pye.  We expect to finish it next week!

Science:  We learned about light this week.  We watched a "Magic School Bus" episode about light and also did a fun experiment based on that episode.  Caleb had to predict how the light would look in different set-ups and then test them to see if his hypotheses were correct.

Social Studies:  We learned about Maryland this week.  We read a couple of library books about Maryland after Caleb colored his state page, and we also learned about story behind "The Star-Spangled Banner."

Grandma and Grandpa are visiting next week but we'll still try to get some school done in the mornings!  I have planned to do mostly the main subjects (reading, math, handwriting, etc.) but will also try to fit in the science and geography if we can.

Bounce the Light activity (Scholastic)