
appliqued onesies!

So my little one was in need of some more short-sleeved onesies.  I found a set of five or six of them at Target and thought that was that.  But after I got them home I realized that some of them were just a little too plain.  So after browsing Pinterest for some ideas and digging into my fabric stash, I made some improvements:

There.  Much more personality.

I love this little dinosaur.  I just Googled free images of dinosaurs and found him.  I used a playful font for the "roar."  Unassuming, yet fierce.  Kind of like my little guy.

Next, some geometry nerd cuteness.  Sorry if you can't figure it out.  Didn't mean to be obtuse.  :o)

And finally, an ultra-casual look.  Because even little guys need a great pair of shades.

Of course we're having cooler weather today so he can't wear any of them yet.  I'm pretty sure that will change soon though!


Mommy Lunches : Baked Shrimp and Asian Slaw Egg Rolls

So right now I'm doing the Weight Watchers thing.  Some weeks are better than others.  But I've found that if I actually eat a substantial (yet healthy) lunch, I'm less likely to snack endlessly in the afternoon.  It turns out that endless snacking can actually impede your weight loss success.  Who knew?  :o)

For a couple of weeks I was on a big panini kick.  I got a panini press for free (yay credit card points!) and for awhile, there was nothing I wouldn't press between two pieces of bread.  But lately I've been craving egg rolls.  My husband isn't a fan of Chinese food so I haven't had any in a long time.  I remembered a baked egg roll recipe I kind of made up a few years ago so I gave it a try again today.  Yum!

I'm not a great food blogger so I didn't take pictures of every step.  Hopefully my directions are clear enough!  For some of the ingredients, I did a range of measurements (like 1-2 tablespoons).  It all depends on your taste.  Start with a little bit and then add more if you think it needs it.  I was okay using 1 tablespoon each of the rice cooking wine and soy sauce.  I also used nonstick cooking spray for everything since I'm trying to keep my WW points at a minimum.  I got 9 egg rolls out of this recipe...it all depends on how much filling you put in each one.

2 cups of bagged broccoli slaw (plain)
12-16 frozen shrimp, thawed and cut into small pieces
1-2 tablespoons rice cooking wine
1-2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
Pinch of onion powder
Pinch of garlic powder
Egg roll wrappers
Olive oil OR nonstick spray for pan (you could also use canola oil, grapeseed oil, whatever you like)

1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray (or cover with parchment paper).
2.  Heat oil/spray in a medium-sized skillet.  Add the slaw and move it around until it's moistened by the oil and starts to wilt.  Add the rice cooking wine, soy sauce, onion powder, and garlic powder.  Saute further until slaw is softened.
3.  Add shrimp and continue to saute until the shrimp turns pink (this only takes two or three minutes).  Add more rice cooking wine, soy sauce, seasonings, etc. if desired.
4.  Take skillet of heat and set out the egg roll wrappers and a small bowl of water.  Place a wrapper on a plate and moisten all the sides with a little water.  Put a couple of tablespoons of the mixture into the center of the egg roll and wrap it up according to the directions on the back of the package.  Place each egg roll seam-side-down on the baking sheet.
5.  Spray the egg rolls with nonstick spray (or brush with oil), then sprinkle a little salt on top.  Bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.  Allow to cool for at least 5 minutes before eating (these suckers are HOT inside!).

Yum!  While these are pretty yummy on their own, a good dipping sauce wouldn't hurt.  And keep in mind that an egg roll wrapper is basically a blank canvas.  You can use cabbage instead of the broccoli slaw, or add more veggies and leave out the shrimp, or use other sauces or oils you find in the Asian cooking aisle of the grocery store, or go crazy and fry them as nature intended.  Have fun with it! :o)

Note:  According to my calculations, each egg roll is 2 WW points.  This is based on a yield of 9 egg rolls.  Keep in mind that using oil instead of nonstick cooking spray and/or altering the ingredients will affect the nutrition and points value.