
pinspired: DIY workout shirt

Sometime ago I saw a tutorial for a cute no-sew workout shirt on Pinterest.  I loved the fact that you could use any old t-shirt you already had, and that all you needed besides that was a pair of scissors.

I started with this Wendy's shirt I got for free last year.

It always fit well, I just didn't like the high neckline.  So I got to work, following the easy instructions of the tutorial (I love that there's written step-by-step instructions, as well as pictures!).  And soon I had this:

Not too shabby for a few minutes' work.  I knew going into it I'd have to cut into the words on the shirt, but I wasn't too bothered by that.  Just makes it more unique.  The tied back was super easy too.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out.  Makes me want to go to Goodwill and find more old t-shirts.  I think men's sizes would be great for a roomier fit.

Hopefully this will motivate me to exercise more.  :o)


busy busy busy

So all I've had time to do lately is fulfill Etsy orders.  I make a lot of these:

And some of these:

And these:

And a cute birthday set for twin boys:

And lastly, a way-cute new shirt design for an old childhood friend's little boy:

So things are hectic right now, but really, I'm having a lot of fun.  Even when I accidentally wash brand new white onesies with a piece of red fabric and they end up with pink splotches over them...might have to explore the world of fabric dyes soon.  Orange onesies for Halloween, anyone?  :o)